Aw: Re: Re: Re: [chrony-users] How to use Facebook's NTP-service correctly?

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William G. Unruh wrote:
> Yes. That was why Miroslav said it should be the user machine's responsibility
> to smear, not the server's. The server should deliver UTC, and UTC has leap seconds
> (ie 23:59:58 goes to 00:00:00 or 23:59:59 goes to 25:59:60 and then to 00:00:00.)
> AFAIK there is not standard signal to say "I am smearing the leap second" You have to know.
> Leap seconds are announced months in advance, and leap second files are distributed,
> and many machines use that to know when leap seconds occur.

Okay, understood. So either:
1. Always use Facebook's time service only (when using it), never mix it with anything (the user needs to be aware of the server's signal configuration)
2. When using Facebook's time service with Chrony, anything is fine, smearing works, but Chrony-internal smearing should be deactivated (Chrony seems to automatically deactivate it, since there's no leap bit coming in).
3. When using Facebook's time service with anything else, smearing also works, since it's done on their server (but the user needs to be aware of this)
4. When using Chrony, any normal NTP service (which doesn't do server sided smearing) can be used and Chrony can do the smearing if configurated.

Even if obvious to Chrony familar users, we should write that into the FAQ ;)

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