[xmoto-dev] SDL-gfx renderer |
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A new branch of xmoto was created : SDL_GFX_INCLUSION
cvs checkout -r SDL_GFX_INCLUSION to get it.
The aim is to include SDL_gfx :
| WWW stuff | enabled |
(libcurl) |
| Locales | enabled |
(gettext) |
| Zoom | disabled | (--with-enable-zoom=1
missing) |
| OpenGl | enabled |
(--with-renderer-openGl=1) |
| sdlGfx | enabled |
(--with-renderer-sdlGfx=1) |
| sdlGfxTextured | disabled | (--with-renderer-sdlGfxTextured=1
missing) |
OpenGl to enable compilation with OpenGl
sdlGfx to enable compilation with sdlGfx (standard sdl-gfx lib)
sdlGfxTextured to enable compilation with sdlGfx hacked by keesj (their
changed could be patch for next official sdl-gfx realease ; it allows
This is the beginning of this part of the developpment ; however, as you
can see on the wiki, keesj proved that it is possible (a version of
xmoto managing only his lib has been done)
The aim is to be able to compile xmoto with only opengl, only sdlgfx or
In case both are compiled with, an option should be nice to set one
renderer or an other.
The idea if not to developp an if else program, but 2 renderer classes
implementing an interface (ok, it's a bit more complicated.)
Neckelmann, please don't do big changes before alerting us. However,
some code on non rendering is not a pb.