I needed GNU coreutils rm for the safe-rm package I am playing with. I thought that the coreutils-8.12 meta package would install it, but no luck.
Found rm in coreutils-operations, but it was commented out.
In order to fix this, I discovered:
building coreutils-operations requires: automake gmp-dev
While I was in the receipt, I changed the short description to list the busybox commands replaced by package. I can change the short descriptions of all the sub coreutils packages if you want?
rm and cd were commented out in order to complete installation of other packages.
I changed the receipt to put the files in /usr/bin until replacing busybox versions in post_install
safe-rm receipt is also functioning and prevents deletion of folders by using a perl wrapper script that warns you.
You can bypass it by using the absolute path /bin/rm
Where should I put these receipts or tazpkgs for review?