Re: SliTaz 4.0-RC2 - Announce (proofread and translate)

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Rohit, I disagree with you. I think one of the fundamental ideas of SliTaz is precisely to provide a up to 30MB .ISO; I agree that it is not the size of the .ISO that makes a large or small distro. If for whatever reason the SliTaz .ISO go on to have more than 30 MB, the project will have failed (or abandoned) with one of its fundamental ideas. I use the SliTaz since 1.0, I was the one who started the translation project for PT-BR, use the distro both for domestic and for work and yes, I was sad when I downloaded the .ISO and saw that it was with more than 30 MB-thought it might be just in cooking, and frankly I'm still counting on that.
Things may change, of course-but we also have to understand when and why we abandon an idea that was already (and, according to the website of SliTaz, still is) fundamental.


Em 02/03/2012 19:13, Rohit Joshi < rj.rohit@xxxxxxxxx > escreveu:

It may be better to highlight the new model, "Russian Dolls model", that we are taking from now on. Therefore, the overall size of the iso has increased but those who prefer a smaller size flavor can simply choose it from the boot menu.

Typically, when people think of a small-size linux distribution, they tend to compare the size of the iso and not the fundamental ideas. I believe its time to highlight fundamental ideas. For example, with the "Russian Dolls" approach, we may not need to worry about the size at all. Slitaz can be as small and as big as possible, in future.


On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Christophe Lincoln <pankso@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Nice, waiting the proof reading to start translating :)

Yes it's better :-)

- Christophe

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