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> 2011/1/24, Indigo <pointofavailability@xxxxxxxxx>:

> I think something like 'Any amount helps', is sufficient -- most people will be one-time donors and give what they can.
I agree with you.

>  Continuously generating revenue will depend on a rate of new people trying Slitaz.
And stick with Slitaz!

For now, I have no benefit from it. (Slitaz won't boot on my PC.) But
I don't wanna see this project disappear. That's the reason why I
would donate. One times. Two times. But not in a constantly rate.

I am willing to donate to something, if I use them on a day-by-day
base and it proved to be useful for me. If I benefit from them in a
long-term base, I donate (aka. invest) in a long-term base.

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