Re: New tazpkg installs busybox-pam for tazpkg

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i used time '7zr a VirtualBox-3.2.10_OSE.7z VirtualBox-3.2.10_OSE' on dual core amd 4450e cpu with 4gb of ram. Here are my times:
real   1m 51.17s
user  2m 47.07s
sys    0m 2.14s

7zr a VirtualBox-3.2.10_OSE.7z
real   0m 31.57s
user  0m 6.56s
sys   0m 4.72s

The real time is the one you want to look at. The user and sys are more about os timing.

I hope this helps.
On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 3:36 PM, Alexander Medvedev <devl547@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
As for lrzip - it heavily depends on memory usage and compression algorithm.
Also it's multithreaded and is developed for multicore systems.

You can see it's benchmarks here -

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