Kernel patches

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I am going to build a kernel for slitaz that contains the rt (realtime
patch). This process involves selecting a kernel version that has an
associated rt-patch and is known to work well. The kernel version
currently used in slitaz does not match that criteria so I have to
base this kernel on another version. The "complication" for me now
becomes what slitaz specific patches do I have to apply for this
kernel to work well in the slitaz environment.

The information I need to have is:
   - For the patches that are currently applied to create the slitaz kernel
      - what patches do have to be applied for slitaz to work at all
and what do each of these patches do?
      - what patches are applied for some specific function to work
(still slitaz as such would work without it)?
      - what patches are applied to provide some specific
non-functional behavior (performance, security, ...)?

I hope people in the community would be able to provide me with the
requested information so that I can go about and make a kernel that is
both rt and slitaz "conformant".

Kind Regards


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