Re: [Sawfish] Bug report

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On 24/11/12 09:00, Michal Jaegermann wrote:
On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 10:06:23PM +1100, Allan Duncan wrote:
On 20/11/12 02:42, Victor Porton wrote:
I use Linux with Gnome 3.

You are able to use sawfish with Gnome 3?  Please tell me how you
configure that.
There is not that much to this and there were various suggestions,
including mine, shown on this list.  The following works consistently
for me also with the current "rawhide" for Fedora.

In /usr/share/xsessions/ I have a file 'gnome-sawfish.desktop' with
the following content:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Gnome with Sawfish

where /usr/local/bin/gnome-sawfish-start is this script:

( sleep 2 ; sawfish --replace ) &
exec /usr/bin/gnome-session --session=gnome-fallback

With such settings you will get your sawfish session to be picked up in
a gdm sessions list (and you may make it into a default if you wish).

This is not the only way to do it.


Early in Gnome 3's history there didn't seem to be a way of replacing the WM, and I haven't been paying much attention to the list since (there's 550 unread messages in my sawfish inbox). I had looked at XFCE, but haven't delved into shoe-horning sawfish into that. I run Fedora, and with F18 due early next year I'll spend some effort then to get it all working to _my_ liking.
What is all this attempting to make the desktop an oversized tablet, 
with a productivity drop to match?  Bah humbug.

Sawfish ML

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