Re: [Sawfish] Updated list of themes

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Am 14.06.2011 07:59, schrieb Eric P. Mangold:
On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 00:22, Christopher Roy Bratusek
<nano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
Am 14.06.2011 06:06, schrieb Eric P. Mangold:
Sounds mostly good...

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 14:44, Christopher Roy Bratusek
<nano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>    wrote:
At the end... the list of themes shipped with Sawfish:

StyleTab [default]
When did Crux lose the default position? To my mind, a sawfish without
a Crux default ain't no sawfish at all...
StyleTab became default in 1.8.0RC. No one complained (neither at the
proposal in Oct 10).
Guess I missed that.

I just tried StyleTab, and I'll just be honest - it's hideous. I can't
imagine black going well with any default desktop themes out there. I
don't see anywhere to configure the colors, but guess that is normal.

Plus there are just a mess of buttons taking the the majority of the
horizontal titlebar space of a full-screen window on my netbook.

And I have no clue what most of these buttons do, and since there are
not tooltips (a sawfish limitation? or?), I may never know what some
of them are supposed to do.

I guess having a tab-capable theme is a good default.

Not sure how useful this rant is... or what, if any, actionable items
I would suggest...

Leaving tab support aside, who prefers the aesthetic appeal of
StyleTab over Crux?

Black goes well with any bright default-theme and most distributions use 
a bright theme. Ubuntu is basically the only of the major distributions 
which doesn't use one. Also Crux with it's Blue/DarkGrey won't match all 
default themes, too. Though `goes well' depends on whether you like 
contrasts or not. Crux + Bright theme = low contrast / StyleTab::Dark + 
Bright theme = high contrast.
StyleTab is pretty configurable. You can change all the buttons to your 
need, you can even change the position of the titlebar. Additionally 
StyleTab bundles several themes, you can switch from StyleTabs settings.
Tooltips is a Sawfish setting (Appearance > Tooltips), regardless of 
theme. One thing you're right is the enormous amount of buttons to begin 
with. But: that's on my list of TODO for theming-1.9 branch.
Personally I and the author atleast do prefer StyleTab aesthetic appeal 
over Crux. Though taste isn't a good thing to discuss about, isn't it?
StyleTab became default as it showcases both Tabs and Title-Position (in 
the latter regard the only theme outwhere), it's flexible and offers 
dark and bright styles.


Sawfish ML

Sawfish ML

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