Re: [qet] [1836] qelectrotech.desktop: fixed categories according to desktop-file-install errors, reduced duplicates between generic names and comments.

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Dana 18.7.2012. 21:34, Xavier G. je napisao:
Hello Antun,

Le lundi 16 juillet 2012 10:25:29 Antun Maraković, vous avez écrit :
Dana 16.7.2012. 7:42, Xavier G. je napisao:
Comment=Edit electric diagrams.
Comment[fr]=Éditer des schémas électriques.
GenericName=Electric diagram editor
GenericName[fr]=Éditeur de schémas électriques
I'm sorry, I forgot to answer.
Err, actually, you had answered on 15/May/2012.

Comment=Edit electric diagrams.
Comment[fr]=Éditer des schémas électriques.
*Comment[hr]=Uredi elektro sheme*
GenericName=Electric diagram editor
GenericName[fr]=Éditeur de schémas électriques
*GenericName[hr]=Editor elektro sheme*
... but you had provided me with slightly different strings:
Comment=Edit electric diagrams.
Comment[fr]=Éditer des schémas électriques
*Comment[hr]=Uredi električnu shemu*

GenericName=Electric diagram editor
GenericName[fr]=Éditeur de schémas électriques
*GenericName[hr]= Uređivač električne sheme*

So... which strings should I pick?

Next few week I work on one project in my factory and I must finish it
before I go to holliday. After that period I try to find time to
translate rest of QT electrotech.
Do not worry about that, I can hardly find time for QElectroTech myself.

Both strings are correct. In croatian language sometimes use internacional words, sometimes our nacional words. I didn't check which words I use before. I simply translate strings and send it back. You can keep previous string but if you change it, that is also allright.



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