Re: [qet] [1836] qelectrotech.desktop: fixed categories according to desktop-file-install errors, reduced duplicates between generic names and comments.

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Dana 16.7.2012. 7:42, Xavier G. je napisao:
Comment=Edit electric diagrams.
Comment[fr]=Éditer des schémas électriques.
GenericName=Electric diagram editor
GenericName[fr]=Éditeur de schémas électriques
I'm sorry, I forgot to answer.

Comment=Edit electric diagrams.
Comment[fr]=Éditer des schémas électriques.
Comment[hr]=Uredi elektro sheme
GenericName=Electric diagram editor
GenericName[fr]=Éditeur de schémas électriques
GenericName[hr]=Editor elektro sheme

Next few week I work on one project in my factory and I must finish it before I go to holliday. After that period I try to find time to translate rest of QT electrotech.


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