Re: [qet] Soumission d'element sur le depot

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Le vendredi 28 mai 2010 19:59:49 markus budde, vous avez écrit :
> Hello Xavier,
Hi Markus,
> attached you will find the German translation..
> ..but it has to be integrated German translation(en)=Deutsche
> Übersetzung(de)..
> All my translation (eaven if i am a native German) i have double checked
> with google-translationn tool and "" CU
Thanks for your work ! :)

I have updated and integrated your file in our Subversion repository (in 
trhe trunk) - I have modified some strings, especially the plural forms 
(sentences which contain %n): for these strings, you have to provide two 
translations: the singular form and the plural form.

I have also updated the wiki page that tracks translations status:

The next steps to get QElectroTech in German would be:
  * provide me the translation of "Éléments importes" (fr) / "Imported 
elements" (en) - it is the only hardcoded string in the software that has to 
be translated;
  * the elements collection: each XML file in the elements directory embeds 
its translations to languages supported by QElectroTech - it is a huge work 
so you may want to translate the other stuff first;
  * the other stuff: *.desktop, x-qet-*, *.1, CREDIT, README, 
ELEMENTS.LICENSE, INSTALL and README.elements files -- all available in our 
Subversion repository.

By the way, I have added your user `numbimbu' to the `qet' project on 
TuxFamily; you should now be able to get an identified check out of the 
Subversion repository by doing:
svn co svn+ssh://numbimbu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/svnroot/qet/qet/trunk/ \ 
Use svn up to update this directory, svn diff to check your work, svn ci to 
commit it, etc., etc.

Xavier G.
QElectroTech project developer

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