Re: [proaudio] I want to contribute

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On Wednesday 04 November 2015 07:05:14 Karl Lindén wrote:
>I wonder where we should put the official git version of the overlay.
>On GitHub or on GitLab? Both can handle pull/merge requests, issues
>and wiki/homepage, so functionality wise I think it does not matter.
>However, I know some people feel strongly against GitHub since it is a
>proprietary service and that would make GitLab a better candidate. A
>reason to use GitHub, though, is that more people are likely to use
>GitHub since also the gentoo main repo (mirror) is on GitHub.

That is indeed not an easy decision.  Both arguments make sense to me.

The important thing for *me* is being able to use a pull request based 
workflow, which either of the two would allow.  From my perspective, what 
speaks for GitHub is that I'm already there, and that I have no experience 
with GitLab (though I have been thinking of moving my private repositories to 
it from bitbucket, precisely because of the license argument).

I *could* imagine that the popularity argument for GitHub is less important 
for an overlay, since you have to be a Gentoo user for it to be of any 
interest in the first place.  I mean, these days I usually stumble upon 
overlays when searching for specific software, e.g., btrbk and tlp.

>I can live with any of these, but I prefer GitLab since it is FOSS,
>but if someone prefers GitHub I am fine with it and I will not be
>stubborn to push for GitLab.
>Please tell me which you all would like best GitHub, GitLab, or maybe
>something else.

I'm not going to voice a preference myself, because I don't really have one, 
as I don't really know what sets GH/GL apart other than the software license.

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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