Re: [proaudio] I want to contribute

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On Tuesday 03 November 2015 21:50:27 Karl Lindén wrote:
>However, I think we should migrate the overlay to git before doing any
>further work, since the development has completely stalled and I think
>more people would be keen to contribute if we would use a VCS that is
>more widely used by the community. Also git is now used for the main
>tree. Additionally git has a nicer workflow with things like pull
>requests, whereas SVN merely has patches.
>I will migrate the overlay in a few days if I do not here any
>complaints. (People have actually already done this, in protest against

Cool, I was actually going to ask about that.  As someone who would also like 
to make some (minor) contributions, I welcome this.

FWIW, after the main portage tree moved to git and the official GitHub mirror 
opened, I've been motivated to get various (minor) changes I made locally 
(e.g., patches and ebuild modifications) into the portage tree.  So far I've 
gotten four pull requests merged, and a patch for gentoolkit got upstreamed.  
So my own experience makes me agree with the idea that a move to Git could 
definitely help motivate people to participate more.

Also, the proaudio overlay is the only reason I still have SVN installed ;-) .

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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