Re: [proaudio] jack-audio-connection-kit

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Well I was just starting to work on an eselect to make make all the
symlinks work. However, I didn't give the DBus issue a thought, so maybe
I'll report back once I've finished working on my local overlay.

I wanted to have the different slots in order to test the US122L driver
more thoroughly with JACK and cleanly separate driver problems and
JACK1/JACK2 issues. I could just install one of the JACKs locally, but I
thought it might be nicer to have the slot solution. However, if it's
too messy, I'm not going to force it.

About the virtual package: What advantage would that have? I admit that
it captures the idea of JACK 1 and 2 being essentially different
software doing roughly the same job more nicely than having different
versions, but I can't think of any practical uses. And how would you go
around the file conflicts? It would make it no easier, I guess.

Best, Manuel

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