Re: [proaudio] jack-audio-connection-kit

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How would you do that? They install alot of files in the same paths
which would result in a massive conflict. As far as I know such thing
can only be done "smoothly" with heavy patching. I'm also a little
concerned about the dbus service and how dbus can know which jack to
be used, but I'm not at all an expert on dbus. I'm not sure if the
linking might be a problem, but can the linker know what jack version
to link against? Is this and other issues aswell going to be solved by
symlinking, maybe? Then an eselect could be nice.

Is there a problem only running one jack version? Is there some
package requiring only one version and another requiring the other?

I'm not (as far as I know) in charge of the SVN write access, so if
you don't want to wait you can always supply a patch.

Kind regards,

2013/3/23 Manuel Bärenz <manuel@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi everyone,
> I think it would be best to have jack-audio-connection-kit versions
> 0.121.3 and in different slots to install them parallely and
> switch quickly between them without reemerging. If you want to give me
> SVN write access, I can quickly do that myself.
> Best, Manuel

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