Re: [proaudio] Cgroups

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On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Dominique Michel
<dominique.michel@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Anyway, they need user space tools, that is libcgroup, and it is not in
> portage yet. (It is on sunrise, but only ~x86)
> Cgroup is a useful feature for big companies large scale servers, but
> for an audio-pro workstation, we just don't need it.
I agree that most audio work doesn't sound like a very good candidate
for cgroups, but I've not even tried it yet.

I was curious however about how cgroup might provide a VMWare instance
of Windows running an audio app a better chance at fair CPU access? If
I load up the Linux side of my server with compute jobs (like emerge
-DuN @world) then I find audio in VMWare gets very glitchy.

Granted, I don't run emerge when doing any important audio but it's
just an example of how something like 'nice' doesn't always do a great
job. (A point Linus made in some of the original threads about the


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