Re: [proaudio] /usr/local/portage vs /usr/portage/local

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On Di, 09.12.08 10:35 "Mark Knecht" <markknecht@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Well, in that case (if the wiki is right) then the instructions result
> in a new machine not working. I had to change the path in the echo
> command to make portage happy. I did not modify the path in
> /etc/layman/layman.cfg.
> Probably someone other than me should try this from scratch on a
> machine that's never had layman on it to double check. I think there's
> still a problem here somewhere.
> - Mark

Yeah that depends on the layman version.. long time ago (when the wiki
was written) it was /usr/local/portage/, then for some time the default
is /usr/portage/local (I also still use that), now
it's /usr/local/portage again (and every layman update wants to
overwrite that in my layman.cfg)

I guess it depends on if you are installing/running arch or ~arch at the

Current stable (arch) layman-1.1.1:
elog  "source /usr/portage/local/layman/make.conf"

Current unstable (~arch) layman-1.2.1:
elog  "source /usr/local/portage/layman/make.conf"

Let's see.. they changed it between 1.1.1-r1 and 1.2.0-r1

So to sum it up: the wiki was right long time ago, has been wrong for
quite a while, is now wrong for arch and correct for ~arch, and will be
correct for all as soon newer layman is marked stable.

And well, the ebuild tells you what is the right thing to do. That's
what those post_install messages are for.

If you want you can change the wiki accordingly, but don't forget to
change it again as soon layman 1.2.0 or later gets tagged as stable :)

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