Re: [proaudio] ProAudio current state

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Alexis Ballier wrote:

3) if we fix things, write bug reports on b.g.o. to get it fixed
in-tree 4) if we add new things -> b.g.o. and get it into the tree

Yes, please do it; it might take time for new packages but for
improvements on the existing ebuilds its a must have and should be
applied rather quickly.
I say it might take time for new packages because we usually receive
tons of such mails and quite frankly, I jump on new ones only if I have
a particular interest in it; which usually means that I have heard of it
by some way or another. If I remember correctly, some of you talked to
me about traverso a good bunch of time ago, and I'm very thankful
because I like it very much and I would probably not know about it yet
if this hadn't happened.

5) finally manage to get that freaking gentoo-dev quizz done and join
the official Gentoo pro-audio herd (/me waves to Alexis :)) and then
use this overlay only for experimental stuff that does not (yet) fit
in the QA level of portage.

Please do it too ;) That's of course the best and simplest solution
for everyone in the end.

We could also add a 4.5) Proxy maintain some packages.


Previously I've deleted a bunch of duplicated ebuilds from the overlay.
This ebuilds below are also duplicated, but have more possibilies than the ones in portage. I've commented each of them (some of the ebuilds needs update to reflect which happend to the ebuilds in portage)

I've placed a TODO in front of each ebuild which needs update.
So anyone who'd like to help, please reply too this email and tell us which ebuild you're working on.
I'll will work on the rosegarden, seq24 ebuilds for now.

Greetz Frieder

# more keywords in overlay
dev-libs/libtar/libtar-1.2.11-r1.ebuild    amd64 keyworded
media-plugins/amb-plugins/amb-plugins-0.3.0.ebuild    x86 keyworded
media-sound/aldrin/aldrin-0.11.ebuild    amd64 keyworded and menu entry
media-sound/gigedit/gigedit-0.1.1.ebuild    x86 keyworded

# more useflags in overlay
media-libs/libzzub/libzzub-0.2.3.ebuild    more useflags
TODO media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.103.0.ebuild verify with portages and then decide (more useflags?) TODO media-sound/jokosher/jokosher-0.9.ebuild more useflags but needs update TODO media-sound/kguitar/kguitar-0.5.ebuild more useflags verify with portage one TODO media-sound/linuxsampler/linuxsampler-0.5.1.ebuild more useflags verify with one from portage -- alsa use flag is here TODO media-sound/patchage/patchage-0.4.1.ebuild useflag jackmidi -- verify this one with the one from portage
media-sound/qjackctl/qjackctl-0.3.3.ebuild    useflag jackmidi

TODO media-sound/rosegarden/rosegarden-1.4.0.ebuild much more useflags -- respin against portage's TODO media-sound/rosegarden/rosegarden-1.5.1.ebuild much more useflags -- respin against portage's TODO media-sound/rosegarden/rosegarden-1.7.0.ebuild much more useflags -- respin against portage's TODO media-sound/seq24/seq24-0.8.7.ebuild devel-patches -- respin ageinst portage's TODO media-sound/specimen/specimen-0.5.2_rc3.ebuild debug flag -- respin against portage's TODO media-sound/traverso/traverso-9999.ebuild more useflags -- in good shape but respin gainst portage's

# other things that make them special
media-libs/libdsp/libdsp-5.0.2.ebuild special ebuild which also works for amd64
media-libs/phat/phat-0.4.1.ebuild    IMHO better doc handling
media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.0.5.ebuild    vst support
media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.4.1.ebuild    vst support
media-sound/ardour/ardour-2.5.ebuild    keep vst support
TODO media-sound/lash/lash-0.5.1.ebuild verify with one in portage -- keeps /etc/services cleaner TODO media-sound/lash/lash-0.5.4.ebuild verify with one in portage -- keeps /etc/services cleaner media-sound/phasex/phasex-0.11.1.ebuild desktop entry -- and march flag set TODO media-sound/tapiir/tapiir-0.7.2.ebuild more deps listed -- respin against portage's x11-libs/flowcanvas/flowcanvas-0.5.0.ebuild WANT_AUTOMAKE is missing in portags one

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