Re: [proaudio] jackdmp

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On Mon, 23 Jun 2008, Arve Barsnes wrote:

On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 3:52 PM, Thomas Kuther <gimpel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mo, 23.06.08 15:44 "Arve Barsnes" <arve.barsnes@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

In my opinion, jackdmp is twice as stable as jackd. But you
need to run das_watchdog as well, since jackdmp doesn't provide
it's own watchdog.

I've never heard of this before, is there anywhere I can read about
this? And is it a separate program I need to install and run before I
start jack?

It's the base for jack2, so it replaces jack.

I meant the das_watchdog thingy, what is that?

You don't need it, but in case a program locks up in the signal
processing graph, you don't have to press the reset button.
The chance of this happening is probably not very big unless you
are a developer, but it's a harmless daemon running so it
shouldn't hurt.

I'm sure there is a wikipedia article about watchdogs.

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