Re: [proaudio] jackdmp

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On Mon, 23 Jun 2008, Arve Barsnes wrote:

In my opinion, jackdmp is twice as stable as jackd. But you
need to run das_watchdog as well, since jackdmp doesn't provide
it's own watchdog.

I've never heard of this before, is there anywhere I can read about this?
And is it a separate program I need to install and run before I start jack?

It's my personal experience. I've been using jack for 6 years (from
the start), often switching between jackd and jackdmp. jackdmp has never really been unstable IMO, Stephane Letz knows what he is doing. You can also skim through the jackd mailing list, searching for jackdmp, and especially the recent discussions about the unstable 109 jackd and how it compares to jackdmp.

And btw, is jackdmp compatible with qjackctl?


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