Re: [proaudio] autools

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Kjetil S. Matheussen wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007, Francisco Oltra wrote:
>> On 2007-07-05 04:17:13 -0700 Cory Bannister
>> <cory.bannister@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>  I'm in need of a utility to join several .au files together.  I
>>> lost an
>>>  audacity .aup file and have only many, many .au files of about 24
>>>  seconds each.   I can list the files by creation time to get the
>>> correct
>>>  order however I'm unable to join them in any way that I know.  autools
>>>  has a tool called plax that seems to be the tool I'm looking for
>>> however
>>>  it is not in portage or pro-audio overlay and I cannot get the
>>> source to
>>>  compile.
>>>  Do anyone know of a way I can join .au files together?  I tried cat
>>> and
>>>  although it works, it inserts a clip between each join.
> Start snd, create a new empty file with proper number of channels and
> samplerate, then edit "path" and "files" in the script below, and
> after that just paste it into the terminal you started snd.
> (define path "/path/to/soundfiles/")
> (define files '( etc.))
> (for-each (lambda (file)
>              (insert-sound (string-append path (symbol->string file))
> (frames)))
>           files)
Should I be doing anything else?  Nothing happens when I paste the
script portion.  I changed the path and added the files.

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