Re: [proaudio] trouble emerging museseq

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Robert Persson wrote:
On Wednesday 17 May 2006 05:12 Thomas Kuther was like:
hmmm, which just seconds the comment by some (former) LADs on a
webblog somewhere that blamed rosegarden devs for including new features
instead of concentrating on the core functionality first. Here it even
freezes X when i try to start it.  
The most frustrating linux audio problem I have is actually with jack, 
although rosegarden is very likely to trigger it, of course. If the load on 
the system gets very heavy strange distortions and other artifacts sometimes 
creep into the sound, and they don't go away even when things have settled 
down a bit (at least I think that's what's happening). Whatever it is, it 
doesn't correct itself until I restart jack.

Just a noob question (sorry if you already did that)...
Are you using a RT-kernel? I had that problems too without it.
Now (I installed it yesterday) I can run rosegarden with VSTi/dssi synths/qsynth with a 128 MB soundfont (didn't try other softsynths) at 2.5ms of latency WHILE COMPILING (!!!!), without all that big problems you wrote about.
It's been a DRAMATIC improvement.
Ah, there were also a session of kvirc, kopete, thunderbird and firefox with about 6-8 tabs opened.

My system is an athlon XP 2000+ with 512 MB of RAM and an Echo-Digital MIA.
It can run also at 1.5 ms of latency (without all that stuff opened), but I preferred to trade a bit of latency with more reliabiliy :o


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