Re: [hatari-devel] Recent symbolic keyboard mapping change

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Sorry, I had not finished this last sentence. There were 3 keys in ST FR that had no natural mapping to the modern keyboard, which I assigned to 3 keys on the host FR keyboard that seemed most suitable. There was 1 such case for SE. I haven't run into other cases of this in any other language yet.

The 3+1 arbitrary mappings (and any others that come up) can be debated as to which goes where. The main principle was just that every ST TOS key should be pressable by a standard keyboard of the same language. I don't really argue for those specific arbitrary assignments, just that something on that keyboard should cover the relevant ST TOS key.

But "perfect is enemy of good", and this clearly improves what Hatari
had earlier...

The reason I started doing it was because of the argument about the minus key mapping. It was unfeasible to try and maintain one symbolic map when it cannot be agreed what TOS it was even aiming for.

At least when each is broken into pairs with host and TOS intending the same language, there is a lot less controversy.

I think almost all of the mappings I have chose should be uncontroversial, however I noted 3 keys in FR and 1 in SE

-- Brad

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