Re: [hatari-devel] Recent symbolic keyboard mapping change

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On 4.10.2024 20.56, Brad Smith wrote:
If you would like it split up, I would need some guidance about what you
feel should be an individual coherent step here.
>> If you look at the PR, you should see that there are zero logical code
changes. All of this is changes to individual switch statements.

You PR has detailed description of the changes, but the commits do not.

Maybe you could split the description to several parts, and include each part to a commit doing that change?

Aside from key case changes, in my version I had written it so that NVRAM
is not allowed to affect the keyboard mapping unless the TOS was identified
as a multi-language TOS. In your version, you did not include this in your
revision. I did not attempt to restore this in my PR, but I do not know why
you chose to discard it, perhaps you could comment? The reason I had done
this was that I didn't think it made sense to allow NVRAM settings to
change the symbolic mapping in conflict with the one the TOS can actually
support. To me the case where this would happen would be the Falcon user
switching from emuTOS to an original TOS that was not the same language as
their NVRAM setting, and I felt that in this case the user would want
mappings that work with the TOS in this case.

Good point. While only TT and Falcon include NVRAM, and both of those (can) have TOS version supporting multiple keyboard layouts, all TOS versions do not support the same set.

E.g. older EmuTOS versions support fewer ones than latest release, but for that case I think we can just document that keyboard selection assumes specific EmuTOS version, or newer.

As to original TT/Falcon TOS versions, I'm not sure to what keymap they default to, if NVRAM has country code value it does not recognize. US maybe?

Symbolic keymapping should match the keymap used by TOS, otherwise it won't work properly.

	- Eero

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