Le 14/04/2024 à 22:07, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
That sounds OK for me.
Thanks for pushing the patches.
So now I can assume that nothing else needs to be changed by others
before release ?
Le 14/04/2024 à 21:56, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 14/04/2024 à 21:28, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
I've now checked everything I wanted (basic TOS bootup tester runs,
few ASAN checks, Linux & NetBSD, Falcon SW listed as problematic),
and updated related docs.
Mac GUI is missing the new SCC & Joystick mapping options, but I
guess those can be done after release, if there isn't anybody
already working on them?
I wanted to o the release during previous week, but as tuxfamily was
down, it was not really possible :(
If no one has good reason against it, I will try to complete the
release this week.