[hatari-devel] Potential memory inspection improvements for the debugger

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Several Hatari debugger improvements have been requested at Atari-forum.

Do you have any comments on the suggested syntax for them?

Memory find/search:


Graphical showing of memory contents:


Structured memory dump:



Btw. I've been thinking that adding config option(s) for debugger input files location would make last one much nicer. Users could add files with "struct" commands for showing specific things, and if they're of general interest, contribute those files to Hatari.

For example if there's file called "os-variables.ini" (or with some other pre-defined extension) in that dir, which has "struct" command(s) to show nicely structured output of "OS" variables, user would just need to type "parse os-variables" to execute that script.

Or that could be used for replacing / enhancing debugger's current "info" command. If "info" subcommand is unrecognized, it could check whether scripts dir has file with that name, and parse that.

To make that more flexible, there would need to be way to pass arguments (e.g. address) to those scripts. Maybe one of the debugger virtual registers could be dedicated for that?

	- Eero

PS. I'm not going to do the "graphical showing of memory contents" thing, but maybe somebody else on the list to need that and be interested to experiment with creating separate SDL windows from Hatari debugger, and contribute that? :-)

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