[hatari-devel] Support for autoloading also TOS symbols?

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EmuTOS 512k / 1024k versions have for a long time come with Hatari debugger compatible symbols file, so I thought to add same .sym file autoloading for them, as for Atari programs on GEMDOS HD.

I'm wondering whether TOS image and Atari program files should have separate configurations options for symbol (file) autoloading?

I.e. split "ConfigureParams.Debugger.bSymbolsAutoLoad" option to separate e.g. "bTosSymbolsLoad" and "bPrgSymbolsLoad" options. By default both would then be enabled, so that first (Emu)TOS symbols are loaded, if present, and once user starts Atari program, symbols for that would be loaded (replace TOS symbols) when entering debugger.

EmuTOS devs could disable program symbol autoloading, and normal users would probably just delete the TOS sym file... :-)

(And somebody debugging original TOS version could come up with their own .sym file for it.)

	- Eero

PS. Program symbols loading is important enough functionality,
that this change would go in only after the release. That will also leave lots of time for tuning verbosity to suitable level...

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