Re: [hatari-devel] tools/

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Eero Tamminen schrieb:

If the changes are simple enough, or get tested enough before
release, I think it can be included with it.  As it's just a script,
 one can always just fetch latest version directly from Hatari Git if
 problem is found only later on.

This also applies the other way around: If I manage to provide the patch
only after the release, people can still benefit from it, by fetching
the updated version from Hatari git.

I don't remember any more.  Maybe for assumed Windows compatibility
(which I do not have, so I could not test it, just blindly try to
get something that might work)?

I can assure you that Windows (or DOS) does not look for values in the
MBR that should be in the boot sector/BPB. :-) So, can I assume that
this data in the MBR was not added to keep some obscure Atari driver happy?

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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