Re: [hatari-devel] tools/

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On 13.3.2024 22.44, Christian Zietz wrote:
I recently participated in a discussion on AF regarding the script:

... and I wanted to see if I can propose a patch to make it better.

Yes, please!

(After the Hatari 2.5 release, of course.)

If the changes are simple enough, or get tested enough before release, I think it can be included with it. As it's just a script, one can always just fetch latest version directly from Hatari Git if problem is found only later on.

But I don't fully understand
what I see inside the existing script in the first place.

For example: Why is the *MBR* (aka: root sector) filled with data such
as the sectors per cluster or the media descriptor 0xF8?

Looking at the offsets, this appear to be fields that are meant to be
inside the BPB in the VBR (aka boot sector of the partition):
So, what is the use-case of putting those in the MBR? Which
software/driver expects this information to be in this (wrong) place?

I don't remember any more. Maybe for assumed Windows compatibility (which I do not have, so I could not test it, just blindly try to get something that might work)?

But if you provide patch improving the script, I can test that all the Hatari use-cases that I used / wrote it for, still continue working (EmuTOS, Linux and MiNT booting, GEMDOS HD partition skipping), and somebody else can test Windows compatibility and additional Atari HD drivers on the results.

	- Eero

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