Re: [hatari-devel] 8 runes of aerillion doesn't have sound

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Thanks Nicolas for improving the Falcon emulation.

I tested the nighly-build from March 10 for Windows. I found that there's some hiccups with regards to the music (using the MP2 player [DSP+DMA] from NoCrew) in our Falcon030 demo Joy with this build. Once in a while there's noise during replay and it sounds like perhaps the music is skipping a bit. I don't know if it's related to the issue Laurent is experiencing but I thought I should at least mention it. Also tried hatari 2.4.1 again and everything works as expected there.


On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 8:32 AM Laurent Sallafranque <laurent.sallafranque@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Maybe this can help.

I use a variable : "music_sequence_index" to keep the current sample index.
I've traced my code and I see that "music_sequence_index" goes from
0(*8) to 2(*8) immediately at the beginning of the music,
which means there's an interrupt played immediately after the beginning
of the music.

The VHS intro plays a sample without interrupts.
I stop the music between the VHS screen and the intro of the demo.
The sample is bigger than the effect length, so, I stop it, load the 1st
music sample into memory and start to play the music.

In the music_start code, I add #8 to "music_sequence_index" because I
read this value at the beginning of the interrupt code to load the next
I also increment by #8 this variable during each interrupt in the
interrupt code.

The traced value of 2(*8) for the variable means that there's a first
interrupt triggered.

When I switch from the VHS screen (blue background cassette) to the demo
intro, I do the following :
             ; Stop the music
             bsr.w        music_stop

             ; Load the first sample pack into the sound buffer
             bsr.w        music_load_sample_1

             ; Start the music
             bsr.w        music_start

; music_stop
;    Stop the sound
music_stop:        ; Stop the current playing music
             clr.w        $ffff8900.w                    ; Stop the DMA
music (no interrupt, no loop)

; music_start
;    Configure the crossbar
;    start to play the music
             ; Set the 1st sample adress to the DMA
             lea.l        music_samples_table,a0
             move.l        music_buffer_adr,d6
             move.l        d6,d7
             add.l        (a0)+,d6                    ; Start adress of
the sample
             add.l        (a0),d7                        ; End adress of
the sample
             bsr.w        music_set_sample_adress

             ; Next sample
             addq.w        #8,music_sequence_index

             ; Start the music
             move.w        #$101,$ffff8900.w                ; Set a
MFP-15 IRQ-7 interruption + Start the DMA music


; music_set_sample_adress
;    Set the sample begin and end adress to the DMA sound
;    input:    d6 = begin adress
;        d7 = end adress
music_set_sample_adress:        ; Set sound begin / sound end to the DMA
             move.b        d6,$ffff8907.w
             lsr.l        #8,d6
             move.b        d6,$ffff8905.w
             lsr.l        #8,d6
             move.b        d6,$ffff8903.w

             move.b        d7,$ffff8913.w
             lsr.l        #8,d7
             move.b        d7,$ffff8911.w
             lsr.l        #8,d7
             move.b        d7,$ffff890f.w


; --------------------------------------------------------------
;        MFP IRQ7 Dma sound interrupt
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; music_mfp_i7_interrupt
;    The music MFP interruption
             movem.l        d5-a0,-(sp)

             ; Get the current music sample index to play
             lea.l        music_samples_table,a0
             move.w        music_sequence_index,d5
             addq.w        #8,music_sequence_index
             add.w        d5,a0

             cmp.w        #70*8,d5
             bge.s        .demo_is_over

             ; Play the next sample
             move.l        music_buffer_adr,d6
             move.l        d6,d7
             add.l        (a0)+,d6                    ; Start adress of
the sample
             add.l        (a0),d7                        ; End adress of
the sample
             bsr.w        music_set_sample_adress

             ; Start the music
             move.w        #$101,$ffff8900.w                ; Set a
MFP-15 IRQ-7 interruption + Start the DMA music

             movem.l        (sp)+,d5-a0

             ; Allow the interruptions again
             bclr        #7,$fffffa0f.w                    ; Interrupt
In-service A - Mono done

.demo_is_over:        ; The demo is over, don't reload another sample
             ; Stop the music
             clr.w        $ffff8900.w                    ; Stop the DMA

             ; Allow to quit the demo, to the end part
             addq.w        #1,demo_is_finished

             movem.l        (sp)+,d5-a0

             ; Allow the CPU interruptions again
             bclr        #7,$fffffa0f.w                    ; Interrupt
In-service A - Mono done

Hope this helps.


Le 09/03/2024 à 23:44, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
> And for the good news, the sound is back in 8 runes too ;)
> Thanks Nicolas.
> If you need some tests for the first sample not played in electric
> night, just ask
> Regards
> Laurent
> Le 09/03/2024 à 23:36, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
>> Hi
>> That's better, but not perfect.
>> There's a problem, it seems that there's a first sample that is
>> forgotten (everything is out of sync), the first sample should repeat
>> once, but the music goes directly to the 2nd sample.
>> After the blue intro magneto cassette screen, the sequence should run
>> like this :
>>                     dc.l        193548*0,193548*1            ; 01 -
>> 00.raw        1st half Dune logo appears // 2nd half logo removed
>>                     dc.l        193548*0,193548*1            ; 02 -
>> 00.raw        Torus appears
>>                     dc.l        193548*1,193548*1+193548/2    ; 03 -
>> 01.raw        Logo Thadoss appears
>> And it runs like this :
>>            ;         dc.l        193548*0,193548*1 ; 01 - 00.raw  
>>      not played
>>                     dc.l        193548*0,193548*1           ; 02
>> -00.raw        1st half : Background  // 2nd half garbage + Torus
>> appears
>>                     dc.l        193548*1,193548*1+193548/2    ; 03 -
>> 01.raw        Logo Thadoss display
>> It seems that the 1st sample is not played and the interrupt start at
>> the 2nd one.
>>  I've tested with the "HEAD-100" version of hatari and it runs
>> perfectly (if needed, I can bisect).
>> (git bisect start HEAD HEAD~100)
>> A youtube video of the demo :
>> Ask mr if you need more explanations
>> Regards
>> Laurent
>> Le 09/03/2024 à 22:26, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
>>> Le 09/03/2024 à 11:29, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
>>>> I was pretty sure of it, but I've bisected electric night (the
>>>> problem is certainly the same for 8 runes as it uses the same sound
>>>> engine).
>>> Hi
>>> this is fixed now ; I forgot to update crossbar.SNDINT_Signal value
>>> after it was changed, making GPIP7 value always 1, which prevented
>>> the GPIP7 interrupt :(
>>> Also, that's a good example of the "end of frame" interrupt that can
>>> be set in $FF8901, it's useful to validate the recent changes in
>>> crossbar.c
>>> Nicolas

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