Re: [hatari-devel] 8 runes of aerillion doesn't have sound

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Maybe this can help.

I use a variable : "music_sequence_index" to keep the current sample index.
I've traced my code and I see that "music_sequence_index" goes from 0(*8) to 2(*8) immediately at the beginning of the music, which means there's an interrupt played immediately after the beginning of the music.

The VHS intro plays a sample without interrupts.
I stop the music between the VHS screen and the intro of the demo.
The sample is bigger than the effect length, so, I stop it, load the 1st music sample into memory and start to play the music.

In the music_start code, I add #8 to "music_sequence_index" because I read this value at the beginning of the interrupt code to load the next sample. I also increment by #8 this variable during each interrupt in the interrupt code.

The traced value of 2(*8) for the variable means that there's a first interrupt triggered.

When I switch from the VHS screen (blue background cassette) to the demo intro, I do the following :
            ; Stop the music
            bsr.w        music_stop

            ; Load the first sample pack into the sound buffer
            bsr.w        music_load_sample_1

            ; Start the music
            bsr.w        music_start

; music_stop
;    Stop the sound
music_stop:        ; Stop the current playing music
            clr.w        $ffff8900.w                    ; Stop the DMA music (no interrupt, no loop)

; music_start
;    Configure the crossbar
;    start to play the music
            ; Set the 1st sample adress to the DMA
            lea.l        music_samples_table,a0
            move.l        music_buffer_adr,d6
            move.l        d6,d7
            add.l        (a0)+,d6                    ; Start adress of the sample             add.l        (a0),d7                        ; End adress of the sample
            bsr.w        music_set_sample_adress

            ; Next sample
            addq.w        #8,music_sequence_index

            ; Start the music
            move.w        #$101,$ffff8900.w                ; Set a MFP-15 IRQ-7 interruption + Start the DMA music


; music_set_sample_adress
;    Set the sample begin and end adress to the DMA sound
;    input:    d6 = begin adress
;        d7 = end adress
music_set_sample_adress:        ; Set sound begin / sound end to the DMA
            move.b        d6,$ffff8907.w
            lsr.l        #8,d6
            move.b        d6,$ffff8905.w
            lsr.l        #8,d6
            move.b        d6,$ffff8903.w

            move.b        d7,$ffff8913.w
            lsr.l        #8,d7
            move.b        d7,$ffff8911.w
            lsr.l        #8,d7
            move.b        d7,$ffff890f.w


; --------------------------------------------------------------
;        MFP IRQ7 Dma sound interrupt
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; music_mfp_i7_interrupt
;    The music MFP interruption
            movem.l        d5-a0,-(sp)

            ; Get the current music sample index to play
            lea.l        music_samples_table,a0
            move.w        music_sequence_index,d5
            addq.w        #8,music_sequence_index
            add.w        d5,a0

            cmp.w        #70*8,d5
            bge.s        .demo_is_over

            ; Play the next sample
            move.l        music_buffer_adr,d6
            move.l        d6,d7
            add.l        (a0)+,d6                    ; Start adress of the sample             add.l        (a0),d7                        ; End adress of the sample
            bsr.w        music_set_sample_adress

            ; Start the music
            move.w        #$101,$ffff8900.w                ; Set a MFP-15 IRQ-7 interruption + Start the DMA music

            movem.l        (sp)+,d5-a0

            ; Allow the interruptions again
            bclr        #7,$fffffa0f.w                    ; Interrupt In-service A - Mono done

..demo_is_over:        ; The demo is over, don't reload another sample
            ; Stop the music
            clr.w        $ffff8900.w                    ; Stop the DMA play

            ; Allow to quit the demo, to the end part
            addq.w        #1,demo_is_finished

            movem.l        (sp)+,d5-a0

            ; Allow the CPU interruptions again
            bclr        #7,$fffffa0f.w                    ; Interrupt In-service A - Mono done

Hope this helps.


Le 09/03/2024 à 23:44, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
And for the good news, the sound is back in 8 runes too ;)

Thanks Nicolas.

If you need some tests for the first sample not played in electric night, just ask



Le 09/03/2024 à 23:36, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :

That's better, but not perfect.

There's a problem, it seems that there's a first sample that is forgotten (everything is out of sync), the first sample should repeat once, but the music goes directly to the 2nd sample.

After the blue intro magneto cassette screen, the sequence should run like this :

                    dc.l        193548*0,193548*1            ; 01 - 00.raw        1st half Dune logo appears // 2nd half logo removed                     dc.l        193548*0,193548*1            ; 02 - 00.raw        Torus appears                     dc.l        193548*1,193548*1+193548/2    ; 03 - 01.raw        Logo Thadoss appears

And it runs like this :

           ;         dc.l        193548*0,193548*1 ; 01 - 00.raw        not played                     dc.l        193548*0,193548*1           ; 02 -00.raw        1st half : Background  // 2nd half garbage + Torus appears                     dc.l        193548*1,193548*1+193548/2    ; 03 - 01.raw        Logo Thadoss display

It seems that the 1st sample is not played and the interrupt start at the 2nd one.

 I've tested with the "HEAD-100" version of hatari and it runs perfectly (if needed, I can bisect).

(git bisect start HEAD HEAD~100)

A youtube video of the demo :

Ask mr if you need more explanations



Le 09/03/2024 à 22:26, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 09/03/2024 à 11:29, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
I was pretty sure of it, but I've bisected electric night (the problem is certainly the same for 8 runes as it uses the same sound engine).


this is fixed now ; I forgot to update crossbar.SNDINT_Signal value after it was changed, making GPIP7 value always 1, which prevented the GPIP7 interrupt :(

Also, that's a good example of the "end of frame" interrupt that can be set in $FF8901, it's useful to validate the recent changes in crossbar.c


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