Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing Hatari 2.5 for release

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Le 09/03/2024 à 19:26, Bob Carpenter a écrit :
I would change the release notes to let Mac users know that they are unable to run IPF files with this release. Since the CAPS library is not a universal binary, it could not be included. I do not think most Mac users will care since I think very few have IPF files. I had to try very hard to find any of them. I think the MIDI fixes and other general fixes (along with the ability to continue providing a macOS binary) outweigh the loss of running IPF files.


I don't know how many people are using IPF or not, but it's annoying to not have the possibility to use it anymore on macOS.

As capslib hasn't chnaged in years and people sometimes complain they don't have capslib dev files or libs on Linux/Windows, maybe another possibilty would be to include capslib files in a "3rdparties" dir in Hatari's sources and compile it / link it directly with Hatari ? (that would be possible with their MAME-like license)

I know linking directly to external libraries is not the prefered way, but sometimes it's the "less worst" solution.

what do other think about this ?


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