Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing Hatari 2.5 for release

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Am Sun, 10 Mar 2024 10:48:19 +0000
schrieb Thomas Huth <th.huth@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Am Sun, 10 Mar 2024 11:22:18 +0100
> schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > Le 09/03/2024 à 19:26, Bob Carpenter a écrit :  
> > > I would change the release notes to let Mac users know that they
> > > are unable to run IPF files with this release. Since the CAPS
> > > library is not a universal binary, it could not be included. I do
> > > not think most Mac users will care since I think very few have
> > > IPF files. I had to try very hard to find any of them. I think
> > > the MIDI fixes and other general fixes (along with the ability to
> > > continue providing a macOS binary) outweigh the loss of running
> > > IPF files. 
> > 
> > Hi
> > 
> > I don't know how many people are using IPF or not, but it's
> > annoying to not have the possibility to use it anymore on macOS.
> > 
> > As capslib hasn't chnaged in years and people sometimes complain
> > they don't have capslib dev files or libs on Linux/Windows, maybe
> > another possibilty would be to include capslib files in a
> > "3rdparties" dir in Hatari's sources and compile it / link it
> > directly with Hatari ? (that would be possible with their MAME-like
> > license)
> > 
> > I know linking directly to external libraries is not the prefered
> > way, but sometimes it's the "less worst" solution.
> > 
> > what do other think about this ?  
> I'd rather not include GPL-incompatible files into the Hatari
> repository, since this will likely trigger some red lights for some
> distros in the long run.

I agree with this assessment. 

However I think providing a dedicated repository outside of the Hatari
context and a clear link to this would be a helper.

"Get the necessary files *here* if you want the functionality. Place
them in directory X and activate option Y in the CMake."

I remember I never got the capslib stuff working on my end so as a user
I would appreciate easy-to-follow instructions on how to get it
up and running.

Best regards,


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