Re: [hatari-devel] "Hatari.exe"

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Andreas Grabher schrieb:

But I have to use Windows on my work place and I only see uppercase
program names there. On Windows I am only using software intended for
the non-sophisticated end user. So this might be different for
specialised software.

As I've already pointed out, it is *not* common to use upper case
program names under Windows. Even for software "intended for the
non-sophisticated end user". See: notepad.exe, explorer.exe, calc.exe, etc..

Some other programs that are certainly not specialized software, either:

- Microsoft Edge, the browser Microsoft ships: msedge.exe
- Mozilla Firefox: firefox.exe
- Google Chrome: chrome.exe
- WordPad, bare-bones word processor included with Windows: wordpad.exe
- Paint, the image editor: mspaint.exe

I again seriously request to revert this unnecessary breaking change for

Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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