Re: [hatari-devel] "Hatari.exe"

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There is no consistent capitalization style for executables on Windows, not even across Microsoft products. Many very popular applications are lowercase (chrome.exe, firefox.exe, steam.exe) and many are not (Dropbox.exe, Kobo.exe, EpicGamesLauncher.exe). A rare few are allcaps, but that's usually very old software, like an ancient INSTALL.EXE or something.

On my machine a majority of the EXE files in my "C:\Program Files" are lowercased.

Command line applications especially are almost universally lowercased, though Microsoft's PowerShell environment seems to be a recent exception. On Windows it usually doesn't matter what case you used, because most operations are case insensitive, but this is not always true, as I think we just noticed in this thread.

-- Brad Smith

On Fri, Jan 5, 2024 at 2:09 PM Andreas Grabher <andreas_g86@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It was me suggesting this change. It was mainly intended for macOS application bundles. They are almost never lowercase and look quite weird if they are. Applications have been uppercase on the Mac ever since (since 1984). I am not a long time Windows user and do not know how Windows handled this in the past. But I have to use Windows on my work place and I only see uppercase program names there.. On Windows I am only using software intended for the non-sophisticated end user. So this might be different for specialised software.

I don’t really care if others prefer lowercase hatari on Windows.

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