Re: [hatari-devel] "Hatari.exe"

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> Am 05.01.2024 um 16:58 schrieb Christian Zietz <czietz@xxxxxxx>:
> Nicolas Pomarède schrieb:
>>> Christer Solskogen schrieb:
>>>> That's because Someone(tm) changed the name of the hatari executable
>>>> to Hatari :-) Will fix.
>> Maybe that's related to the macOS built and its signing process that was
>> discussed a few weeks ago ?
> Apparently it was changed for Windows too, even though the commit only
> mentions macOS:
> Frankly, I don't see the reason for this and kindly ask to revert the
> name change for Windows. It is just causing unnecessary breakage.
> Regards
> Christian
> --
> Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
> WWW:
> New GnuPG-Key-ID: 0x8708B34C827B159E

It was me suggesting this change. It was mainly intended for macOS application bundles. They are almost never lowercase and look quite weird if they are. Applications have been uppercase on the Mac ever since (since 1984). I am not a long time Windows user and do not know how Windows handled this in the past. But I have to use Windows on my work place and I only see uppercase program names there. On Windows I am only using software intended for the non-sophisticated end user. So this might be different for specialised software.

I don’t really care if others prefer lowercase hatari on Windows.

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