Re: [hatari-devel] compiling with ahcc from Hatari and command line ?

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On 13.9.2023 10.42, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 12/09/2023 à 23:16, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
tests$ find -name '*.prj' | xargs grep include
./tosboot/disk/gemdos.prj:.C [-iinclude]
./tosboot/disk/minimal.prj:.C [-iinclude]
./natfeats/nf_ahcc.prj:.C [-iinclude -DTEST=1]
./autostart/sleep.prj:.C [-iinclude -DSLEEP=4 -DSECS="4"]

by the way, what is the use of sleep.prj ? I tested it with --tos none (because it uses the sleep() call that I wanted to use) and it seems to exit immediately, not waiting 4 sec for example.

It's neither a unit test, nor intended to be run with faketos.  See:

	- Eero

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