Re: [hatari-devel] compiling with ahcc from Hatari and command line ?

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On 12/09/2023 12.40, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 10/09/2023 à 23:53, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On 10.9.2023 16.33, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
I'd like to check a change in some program included in Hatari's test directory. .c files are compiled with ahcc and I wondered if there's a way to run the compilation from linux through hatari using the .TTP binary maybe ?

for example I'd like to change/compile "scc_ser.c" from tests/serial and it would be much faster if I could do it from my pc with command line and not interacting with editor/menus.

Assuming AHCC, project file and sources are in same directory, you can use something like this:
$ hatari-prg-args -m --cpulevel 3 --trace os_base  -- ahcc_p.ttp mfp_ser.prj

(With AHCC ST version, you can "drop --cpulevel 3".)


thanks for the infos, it worked.

So, I added a sleep to scc_ser.c in main() :


+        sleep(2);

         return 0;

Why do you need a sleep here?

but when I run the test in test/serial I get an error :

Test FAILED. Hatari exited with status 1.
ERROR: Unhandled exception!
<end of output>

This seems to be because "sleep" calls supexec and the test runs with "--tos none" using a faketos that will not support gemdos/bios/... calls.

Any idea how it could be changed ? Add a "minimal" sleep function that uses the vbl counter at $466 or maybe run test/serial with a tos != none ?

The VBL counter at $466 is maintained by TOS - i.e. this won't work with FakeTOS. If you really need a delay, your best bet is likely to use " stop #$2300 " to wait for VBLs in a loop.


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