[hatari-devel] Change to faketos to support VBL counter at 0x462

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the tests that can be run with "make test" are using a very minimal tos (--tos none) but unfortunatelly this tos doesn't support any gemdos/bios/... calls, which I needed to add a call to "sleep()" in one of the test program written in C.

So I modified faketos.s to add a VBL counter at 0x462, which allows to wait for a variable delay, independantly of the CPU speed.

To have a VBL interrupt, faketos needs to run in user mode with SR=0x300 instead of SR=0x700.

Then to avoid some tests using MFP for example are crashing in case they trigger an interrupt, all interrupt vectors $64-$7c and $100-$1bc are now pointing to an "RTE" (except VBL which has its own routine)

With these changes, all tests in "make test" are still running so it should be fine as far as I can see.


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