Re: [hatari-devel] compiling with ahcc from Hatari and command line ?

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On 12.9.2023 22.45, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 12/09/2023 à 20:46, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
PS. I added more info to tests main readme.txt.

thanks, I must say that compiling with ahcc was not really straightforward :) One missing thing I had to change was to add this line at top of scc_ser.prj :

.C [-iinclude]

Shouldn't we add it to all prj files ? It seems that without it, even if prj file is in same dir as ahcc.ttp then compilation fails due to missing includes.

Sure.  Mine already have:
tests$ find -name '*.prj' | xargs grep include
../tosboot/disk/gemdos.prj:.C [-iinclude]
../tosboot/disk/minimal.prj:.C [-iinclude]
../natfeats/nf_ahcc.prj:.C [-iinclude -DTEST=1]
../autostart/sleep.prj:.C [-iinclude -DSLEEP=4 -DSECS="4"]

But not all of these:
$ ls */*.prj
autostart/sleep.prj  gemdos/gmdostst.prj   serial/mfp_ser.prj
blitter/blitemu.prj  keymap/keytest.prj    serial/midi_ser.prj
cpu/int_test.prj     natfeats/nf_ahcc.prj  serial/scc_ser.prj

Btw. I just noticed that Thomas' initial SCC test code already included & used delay_loop(), which just increments (volatile) integer counter given number of times (4 & 8 are used in the tester code).

Why SCC now needs delay to be so much longer (several VBLs)?

	- Eero

PS. There are also sincludes (for different int size), but I do not think anybody is going to use those as AHCC 32-bit int support is somewhat broken.

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