Re: [hatari-devel] next release?

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On 28.8.2023 23.14, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 28/08/2023 à 19:36, Thomas Huth a écrit :

But that's a bigger change that should maybe rather be done after the next release. ... by the way, it's been more than a year again since the last one ... Nicolas, do you have any plans for a new release?

I have several pending changes that I'd like to include in the next release, one of them coming soon, for others I don't know yet :)

Any spoilers on what they are?  Anything Falcon related?

so, I would say not before 2-3 months maybe ; the more improvements, the better the release (but sometimes it implies late release, which is not that great, a balance must be found)

On my side I do not have anything particular that I would want to get in before release.

GEMDOS HD change to "support up to 64 simultaneously open files" is something that might need more testing before release, if somebody knows potentially problematic programs for that.

As to distro patches, I just checked all places listed in our release-checklist.txt, and I'm wondering only about these (caps5 + cmake option):

Any comments on them?

	- Eero

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