Re: [hatari-devel] Symbol loading for upcoming MINT+ELF program format

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On 28.8.2023 23.59, Vincent Rivière wrote:
On 28/08/2023 at 18:10, Thorsten Otto wrote:
although not yet officially released, i think the newly defined format is mature enough to deserve support in Hatari. Attached is a patch to do so.


I gave it a try. But:

Trying to load ELF symbol table at offset 0x2a420...
NOTE: ignored 35 debugging symbols.
NOTE: ignored 11 invalid symbols.
INTERNAL ERROR: symbol '___CTOR_LIST__' at 0x346c8 not sorted in address-order

Symbol handling does not work correctly unless code symbols are sorted before other types of symbols, and that they are in address order.

I added some checking for latter, along with weak symbol support (about week ago).

Thorsten, did you notice same problem as Vincent?

Anyway, adding new symbol type loading should not break that check, because that sorting happens above it, in Symbols_Load(), and I do not see anything in Thorsten's patch that would otherwise cause it.

Maybe there's a bug in my part of code. I'll check it better...

	- Eero

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