Re: [hatari-devel] github hatari

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Am Wed, 22 Feb 2023 10:16:25 +0100
schrieb Christian Zietz <czietz@xxxxxxx>:

> Miro Kropáček schrieb:
> > in case somebody hasn't noticed (like me): the github mirror
> > ( <>)
> > has stopped working since some time ago. So use the official repository:
> > if not done already.  

Yes, sorry for that. I used the mirroring feature from to
automatically mirror the repo from tuxfamily to gitlab and from there to
github. But a couple of week ago, gitlab decided that mirroring is now a
premium feature you've got to pay for, so the automatic mirroring does not
work anymore now. I'm still updating the gitlab and github repos manually
every other weekend or so, but of course this means that they are falling
behind in between.

When I've got a lot of spare time again, I have to look for an alternative
for automatic mirroring, but that won't happen any time soon, I guess.

> Since most people will find you on GitHub nowadays and won't notice your
> official repo [1], I suggest to either delete the mirror (if it's not
> intended to be updated again) or to actively mark it as deprecated.
> Otherwise you'll have people building Hatari from outdated source code.

As I said above, I still update it occasionally. Hatari development is not
moving that fast, so if people are working with a repo that is two weeks
behind, it's not such a big issue, I think.


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