[hatari-devel] Debugger memdump command + MMU address translation?

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Hi all,

I'm currently trying to debug Hatari's inability to boot Atari SYSV4
and ran into the following:

Is Hatari's memdump command supposed to be able to deal with MMU
address translation (030 emulation)?

ASV seems to set it's system stack at virtual addresses far outside
physical system memory:

> r
  D0 00000000   D1 00057A80   D2 002F1000   D3 0010E000 
  D4 0000010E   D5 04000000   D6 000109BE   D7 0000010E 
  A0 002A0604   A1 0006AF04   A2 000ABC9C   A3 000ABCA0 
  A4 0010B2EC   A5 001CB400   A6 4E001FB0   A7 4E001F90 

When attempting to dump stack contents

> m "a7"
- 'a7' -> $4e001f90
4E001F90: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  
4E001FA0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  

I only get a dump of zeros (what seems to be the error return value
from STMemory_Read()) although emulation in general (like bsrs and
rets) seem to work fine with stack read/write.

Is this a bug or just a missing feature?

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