Re: [hatari-devel] Execution speed

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My guess is that, in case of the MegaSTE the bus speed isn't emulated correctly. E.g. in 32MHz mode, the bus could be 4 times faster than it should be, which could has an impact on the test performance. 


niedz., 8 sty 2023, 14:07 użytkownik Miguel Saro <miguel.saro@xxxxxxx> napisał:
my topic today is execution speed. I optimized my latest program and did some testing. The tests are made without validating the exact cycle, with 24-bit addressing and with etos512. Before optimization, the result was obtained in 35 seconds on the Mega Ste emulation at 16 MHz and after optimization in 28 seconds (-20% not bad!).
STE 68000    8 MHz:  56 s
Mega STE 68000  16 MHZ:  28 s
Mega STE 68000  32 MHZ:  14-15 s
TT 68020   32 MHz:  19 s
Falcon 68030   32 MHz:   31 s
I don't understand why Falcon at 32 MHz is slower than the Mega STE at 16 or 32 MHz. Does anyone have an explanation to this ? App is below. To try, unZIP then clic "search" without changing anything.

if you want source files, let me know.

M et Y Saro
Méaudre:  04 76 94 79 32
Seyssinet: 04 76 21 61 02
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