Re: [hatari-devel] Emulation on separate CPU cores

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On Sun, 4 Dec 2022 at 14:20, Thorsten Otto <admin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I agree that he surely did a great job. If something in my previous post could be interpreted differently, i apologize.

Perhaps I should have phrased it a bit differently, too. I just wanted to do a friendly nudge towards possible Hatari extensions. :)

But his goals are different than what Hatari does. Its more like what Aranym does, running supported programs at maximum achievable speed.

Actually, this! Perhaps I should have asked this instead -- what do you think about Hatari having this kind of feature? IIRC even WinUAE has an option to maximise the emulation speed while maintaining video/sound timings, couldn't Hatari offer something similar? You know, something like "software emulated Nemesis/Phantom", i.e. one could say that hey, I want 030/DSP/RAM access at 4x the usual speed and you'd get 64 MHz 030, 128 MHz DSP and 1/64 MHz bus access time. Imagine all those demos suffering from low framerate... :-)

I think that would create quite a wave of interest, beating any super-accurate Hatari feature. ;-)


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