Re: [hatari-devel] Possible problem with Pexec emulation

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On 19.11.2022 8.36, Thorsten Otto wrote:
On Samstag, 19. November 2022 06:27:28 CET Roger Burrows wrote:
I would assume the bus error occurs due to the blitter hardware trying to
write to $e00000, and the PC just happens to be at $e12924 in the standard
"wait for blitter" loop.

Yes, i assume that too. Using --trace-vdi indead shows that vr_recfl() was
called immediately before that. Unfortunately it does not tell me the used
parameters. Is there some way to add them to the output?

Add VDI info breakpoint for VDI traps:
b VdiOpcode ! 0xffff :quiet :info vdi

Hatari VDI trap output will then look like this:
Latest VDI Parameter block:
- Opcode/Subcode: 0x21/0x00 (vsin_mode)
- Device handle: 1
- Control: 0x0000d360
- Ptsin:   0x0000d238, 0 coordinate word pairs
- Ptsout:  0x0000d446, 0 coordinate word pairs
- Intin:   0x0000d260, 2 words
- Intout:  0x0000d45e, 1 words
VDI 0x21/0x00 (vsin_mode)

If you need more information, write a debugger script that provides the required info, and use ":file <path/to/script>" breakpoint option instead.

(Script path can be skipped if you cd to script dir first. If you do that 'cd' from a debugger script, remember to add '-f' option after the path.)

	- Eero

Would also be interesting to know whether that crash also happens on real

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