Re: [hatari-devel] Possible problem with Blitter emulation

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On Samstag, 19. November 2022 09:45:55 CET Christian Zietz wrote:

> Still running from GEMDOS HD.


Thanks for testing.


Thats really strange. I just noticed in your video that you have set the monitor type to VGA. And indeed, when i do that too, it works. But when i set it to RGB monitor type, it crashes.


I also noticed that all dialogs seem to have the object in the bottom right corner with the stripes (whatever that is good for), misplaced, as for example here:




But in your video that does not happen.


Similarily, the startup dialog looks a bit strange:



What the hell is different? I have disabled now even st-guide and xcontrol, so there are no ACCs. There aren't any auto-folder programs either.


BTW i hope we use the same version, just to rule that out (program size is 202813 bytes)



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