[hatari-devel] Possible problem with Pexec emulation |
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while experimenting with smurf (the 106 gpl version, can be found here for example), i get a strange error. Whenever i open the Module dialog, and click on "Info", the application crashes, while trying to write some address near $e00000. This only seems to happen with TOS 4.04 (not with TOS 3.x or EmuTOS). Could there be a problem with the Pexec emulation, and does TOS 4.x somethig different maybe? The modules are loaded via Pexec(3) & Pexec(4) : https://github.com/freemint/smurf/blob/master/src/module.c#L193
The Pexec(4) actually does not much: https://github.com/freemint/smurf/blob/master/modules/editmods/edstart.s#L39
Real work is done by directly calling the exported edit_module_main function.
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